Whistleblower contact page

Note: If you would like to submit your report anonymously, please ensure that you avoid any information in the information provided below that would allow any conclusions to be drawn about you personally. Regarding the further procedure after submitting the report, we refer to our rules of procedure for whistleblowers.

Report will be sent to:
RAMPF Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Grafenberg
Responsible department:
Legal Department

Can you name which unit is affected (area, department, team, person)
Specify the exact day or time period if possible.
Have you already informed someone from the RAMPF GROUP?
Are RAMPF GROUP managers or the leadership affected by the incident?
Which people or groups of people are affected by the incident?
What is your relationship with RAMPF
(e.g. RAMPF employee, supplier, customer, etc.)?
You must agree before submitting.